Sunday, September 20, 2009

8 days, a week?

So i've been in Palermo little over a week now and i'm starting to get settled in. Yesterday (Saturday) was my first day of school. I go to a Liceo Scientifico named after Galileo. The building is like 4 stories high and is nothing like school in New Zealand. In each class there is only a Blackboard and desks and chairs. Everything's really simple. I'm in the 4th year here which means i'm with people around about my age. Everyone in my class is really nice and on the first day everyone wanted to test out their English skills on me. There are a couple of guys in the class who speak good English and the rest just kind of know swear words. It was strange when two guys to show off their English started yelling "Fuck You" at each other and the teacher didn't even bat an eyelid because she doesn't speak english. Unfortunately i won't be able to use the mass number of Italian and Sicilian swearwords i've learnt from my family and friends in class because i'd get sent out. In Italy you stay with your class all day every day and the teachers move around. I like this because hopefully i can make some good friendships with my classmates. A few of them have already invited me to things which is good and all of them have added me on facebook. The subjects we take are various sciences, Italian, Italian lit, English, English lit, Philosophy, Maths and PE (it's actually like 10 subjects I just can't remember them all exactly.) I'm not too stoked about the science or maths but i told my teachers that in New Zealand at my school we don't study maths or science so hopefully she'll go easy on me. Yea so that's pretty much school I can see it getting very boring for me but i'm just going to try to focus on comprehending the language for the first few months.
Everything else is going great. I really love the city and i especially like it when i get to see it from the back of a motorbike or scooter. Mean as fun. The traffic here is insane. Everyone says Italians are bad drivers which i guess in a way is kind of true but i'd say in these conditions New Zealand drivers would have a significant amount more crashes. It's kind of organized chaos. Everyone is really attentive and the constant sound of horns isn't road rage it's more just people letting other people know that they're there. Last night we went out for dinner to a Sicilian restaurant where i got to try lots of Sicilian food. Sicilians do really awesome potato dishes and there are heaps of them which i was stoked with. The seafood I'm not so keen on but Mum you'll be pleased to know that i tried everything. Which included muscles, fried calamari and octopus leg :s Apparently i'm going to a cous cous (sp?) festival or something with the other AFSers next week from what i can understand i'm not quite sure though because the e-mail was in Italian. But if I am then that's cool cause it would be good to catch up with everyone who i haven't seen since Palermo airport. Today i went with a family who are friends with my host family to an old Palace and some catacombs (I don't if that's correct to say some catacombs but give me a break) basically it was this underground thing under a church where there were thousands of mummified corpses hanging from the walls all dressed in clothing from when they died (1500's up until 1920) If anyone reading this is in my classics class tell Mr. Duffy that i went to the place from the National Geographic he gave me and that it was awesome. Corpses are scary it's no wonder they use them in horror movies. The real scary ones were the little girls like 2 year olds who they somehow hung them so it looked like they were just standing up watching you. Badass. I might be going with that same family to a ballet on at the Massimo theatre next friday. I'm not that into ballet but the theatre is real badass and i don't want to pass up the opportunity because apparently tickets are really hard to get to this place. Anyway that's about enough for now hope i haven't bored you too much i'll update in like a week or so cause I'm spending too much time on the computer.
Ciao for now.
P.S. If you're reading please comment so i know this isn't a waste of time.
P.P.S If anyone wants to send skittles sours and marmite i'll be forever in your debt.


  1. Ahhh...Galileo. A fine man. You better not die on said scooter/motorcycle. I want to go to Italy now.

  2. wow. sounds like fun. i was actualy thinking of sending skittles sours.

  3. hey dude, pretty jealous, sounds like you're having a great time. I'll be sure to pass that on to Mr Duffy ;)

  4. Cheeky barstard. Saying we dont get taught maths or science in nz. Phish. Keep the updates coming.

  5. great that you tried the seafood josh :)

  6. Hey Josh
    Katie told me about your blog and I've just read it for the first time (Wed 23 Sept). REALLY interesting - keep it up!
    (Katie's dad).

  7. hey bro,
    sounds mean!
    you better blog bout the Opera lol
    glad its going well bro, keep up the blogging so we all know.

  8. Hi Josh ,its uncle Russ , really enjoying the Blog , Ive heard its hard to make a good living as a ballet dancer so dont get any ideas, and Catacombs sounds pretty good to me.

    Great to hear you are enjoying yourself,I had a couple of nights in Palmywood a couple of weeks ago with Dad Mum and Sam, you wll be pleased to know they havent let your room out.

    We all good here, keep it up

  9. Just read your blog for the first time. What a fabulous experience for you. Italy is one of favorite countries. I'm sure you're making some weekend trips to Firenze, Venezia, Roma, Milano, etc. be sure to go Verona that is the setting for William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Lake Como is gorgeous. Since you have not written an entry in months, you must be having fun. Ciao!
